When shopping for a marketing firm, it’s important to seek out a team that is entrenched in every facet of your industry and approaches every project from a fresh perspective. Whether it’s a shopping center, downtown revitalization, restaurant, hotel or non-profit, BLEND provides a fresh mix of in-depth expertise and passion to create strategic, thoughtful and innovative marketing solutions that are customized to meet your objectives and add value to your business. Our combined experience spans from coast to coast and includes projects of all sizes.
Retail Marketing
- Market research and strategic analysis
- Brainstorming and discovery sessions
- Marketing plan development and execution
- Branding and graphic design services
- Development and launch of integrated marketing campaigns
- Grassroots marketing initiatives
- Cause marketing programs
- Marketing support for leasing initiatives
Digital Marketing
- Strategic digital campaign development
- Web design/content development
- Social media development and management
- Paid digital strategy and management
- Analytics review/recommendations
- SEO management
Public Relations/Communications
- Public relations: national and local
- Community relations
- Merchant outreach and communications
- Internal/employee communications
- Advertising campaigns: creative development, messaging,
media planning and buying - B2B and B2C communications and collateral development
Events & Promotions
- Retail promotions
- Grand openings and re-grand openings
- Signature events
- Alternative revenue: analysis, development and implementation
Specialty Retail
- Cart, kiosk and temporary in-line: analysis, development and implementation
- Pop up shop: concept development and implementation
- Consumer and travel trade marketing programs